Hello, I'm Sol, a sweet girl who loves the power of freedom and playing to pass the limit of everyday life, get to know me and we will have a great friendship of pleasure
Hello guys, I am very excited to make a presentation video for you, I want you to get to know me a little and feel closer and closer.
If you want to know more about me, I invite you to subscribe to my channel and start a new story together.
I just got home from work 🥵. My biggest goal is to be able to work from home and dedicate time to my family, every day I am closer to achieving it
Hace tanto calor que siento que me voy a derretir, es por eso que el dia de hoy escogi un oufit ligero y comodo
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It's so hot that I feel like I'm going to melt, that's why I chose this light and comfortable outfit.
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