Custom video: "Inspired by this previous custom video, I'd love to order a clip where you confront the viewer about the fact that a nice outfit doesn't fit. A suit would be ideal, but if you don't have one that's too tight just a nice work or formal outfit will do.
I imagine the context being that you're in a relationship with the viewer and they've been cooking you lots of nice meals, so naturally, this is their fault. I imagine they've been reassuring you that you look fine, so part of your motivation will be showing them undeniable proof that you've definitely put on some weight.
As for tone, I'm imagining snarky and dominant. You're a powerful woman and you need to look your best, be that an executive, politician, or even royalty if you want to go that direction. The previous has the perfect vibe, but honestly the other clip also matches it pretty well. The key is that this is NOT OK and that you WILL be expecting healthier meals going forward. But no less tasty, of course!
I imagine a bit of the subtext being that as much as you blame the viewer for your situation, you were ultimately responsible for what you ate. They weren't trying to overfeed you, just keep you happy and satisfied. But that doesn't mean they won't get the full brunt of the blame!"
Rose Black